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Website Accessibility

The Future First website has been designed to be accessible to everyone. We believe that the web should be available to all, irrespective or browser or disability. On this page are some of the information and aids to enable you view this site. use.

Access keys

We have implemented Access Keys for users who have difficulty using pointing devices.

The following information lists each of the keyboard shortcut commands available to users of this site.

Government standard keys:

S - Skip navigation
1 - Home page
3 - Site map
0 - Accessibility

Future First site extra keys:

X - About Us
B - Services
C - Clients
N - News
U - Contact Us
F - Future First Company Information
R - Our Approach
Y - Design
M - Maintenance and Support
Z - Content Mananagement Systems
G - Website Accessibility

Using Access Keys

Windows users
Press the Alt key in combination with the relevant access key:

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4 then press Alt and the relevant number/letter at the same time
If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 or 6 press Alt and the relevant number/letter, then press the Enter key
If you are using Netscape version 6 or later, or Mozilla, then press Alt and the relevant number/letter at the same time
Unfortunately, access keys are not supported by Netscape 4 and Opera 6.

Macintosh users
Macintosh users should press the Ctrl key in combination with the relevant access key

Under Mac OS 9, access keys are not supported by Internet Explorer 4, Internet Explorer 4.5, Mozilla, Netscape 4 and Opera5.

Under Mac OS X 10, access keys are not supported by Mozilla, OmniWeb 4, and Safari.

Further accessibility information

The Future First website meets the following Accessibility Guidelines:

W3C Level 1
XHTML Strict
WCAG 1.0 - AAA

Where possible we have also complied to W3C Level 2 guidelines.

Other accessibility information

The website has been built using correct H1 tags for main headings

The website has been built using Custom Style Sheets for visual layout and can be viewed if your browser does not support CSS

The website uses relative font sizes if you wish to contol font size

The website has a text only version for those who do not wish to view graphics



© 2008 - Wishbone Productions